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Before, during and after the Brussels attack (Part 1)

Aurélien Ernst

Before the attack - 23rd November 2015

Ten days after the horrifying attack of Paris causing the death of 130 people, the Belgian government decided to rise his alert level, thinking that as France, Belgium would risk to face terrorist attacks.

The alert level have been risen to four in Brussels the highest level possible and to three in the rest of the country.

Military troop in front of the Central Station during the level four. (c) Aurélien Ernst

Military troop in front of the Central Station during the level four.

Soldier in front of the Bourse. (c) Aurélien Ernst

Soldier in front of the Bourse, city center of Brussels.

Police agents on the boulevard Annessens. (c) Aurélien Ernst

Police agents on the boulevard Annessens.

(c) Aurélien Ernst
(c) Aurélien Ernst
Military and police forces settled on the Main Square of Brussels. (c) Aurélien Ernst

Military and police forces settled on the Main Square of Brussels, one of the most touristic place of the city.

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